Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Week #1 Rogers Cross Country


Athletes will work on learning the Rogers Cross Country Warm-up listed below.

Athletes will also learn about tempo runs and their significance for training.

Rogers Cross Country Warm-up

I.                     Walk Cross County Course visual race plan and prepare mentally and physically for warm-up.


II.                     Dynamic Movement Sequence (30 meters)- Think Positive/Focused Breathing

a.        Skipping forward w/arm swings across body

b.        Skipping forward w/arm swings up and down

c.        Skipping backward (toe up- knee up)

d.        Form Running

e.        Circle Jacks- side slide

f.         Rear Kicks

g.        Backward Jogging

h.        Caroca’s

i.         Form Running

j.         Easy Straight Leg Bounding

k.        Jumping Jacks (Forward- Jog in)

l.         Jumping Jacks (Clapping hands under knee)

m.      Form Running


III.                  Walking Series (15 meters)Posture/Range of Motion/Body Control

a.        Walk on Toes

b.        Walk on Heels

c.        Pull Knees to Chest

d.        Form Running

e.        Zombie Walk (Touch the same side toe)

f.         Zombie Walk (Touch the opposite toe)

g.        Quad Stretch (Same leg/same arm)

h.        Quad Stretch (Opposite leg/Opposite arm)

i.         Form Running

j.         Forward Lunge (do not strain)

k.        Backward Lunge (do not strain)


IV.                  Sitting Standing Series

a.        Sitting both legs bent-alt knee drops

b.        Sitting both legs bent- both knee drops

c.        Sitting straight leg- Opposite Foot Opposite Hand

d.        On stomach opposite leg to opposite hand (Scorpion)

e.        On Back Opposite Leg to Opposite Hand (Angel)

f.         Leg Swings Fwd/Bwd

g.        Leg Swings Left/Right


V.                   Speed Series- Full Range of Motion

a.        Form Running

b.        High Knees

c.        Butt Kickers

d.        Backward Running

e.        High Knees to Leg Extension

f.         High Knee Skipping

g.        Form Running


Warm-up- Rogers Cross Country

Core Training- With Heather Ancheta


Run On Your Own- Tempo Run 10-10-10


Run On Your Own- Rest Recovery 30 minutes
