The Nike online stores are up and running for this years XC uniforms and apparel. Please know that if you purchased gear last year, this year we switched to match our track team. All Track and XC apparel is the same for the 1st time in school history. If you are a JV runner and purchased a uniform last year you may use it for this year. If you think that you might be running in one of the seven varsity spots this year or you are new to Rogers, please buy a singlet and shorts from the link entitled player pack. The uniforms are gender specific so please make sure you are buying the correct uniform set. Please help me spread the word. Pass this information onto any athlete you think will be running XC in the fall. All orders must be placed by July 29, 2015. PS. I am trying to work out the details of ordering on an IPhone. It does not want to open the links in this post. Please use the full version not the mobile version and order from the info. boxes to the right of the screen.
Coach Zentz
Women’s Player Pack
Women’s Apparel Store
Men’s Player Pack
Men’s Apparel Store