Thursday, October 30, 2014

RHS XC Letter Policy

RHS XC Letter Policy
A member of the Cross Country Team will earn a varsity school letter if he/she meets one or more of the following and successfully completes the Cross Country season in good standing:

1.       Qualify and participates in the District/State Meet individually or as a team member.

2.       Run as a varsity member in all meets and invitationals.

3.       Participate on the Rogers Cross Country team for 4 consecutive years.

4.       Conclude the season with 10 individual points on a scale where 1 point is awarded for 7th place and 7 points for 1st place.  In addition 1 point will be awarded for new personal records in competition.  These points are individual and require a personal best that is recorded with the coaches the day of the meet.
Coaches discretion will be used as part of the lettering criteria for athletes that have issues that place them outside the lettering criteria.  Example (Injury)

Monday, October 27, 2014

Non-Qualifiers Raven Classic- Time Schedule

Here is the time schedule for the Raven Classic.  We are dressing in a team unified Hawaiian theme. 

Mens Races
3,000 Meters Freshman3:30 PM
3,000 Meters Sophomore3:50 PM
3,000 Meters Junior4:10 PM
3,000 Meters Senior4:30 PM
Womens Races
3,000 Meters Freshman3:30 PM
3,000 Meters Sophomore3:50 PM
3,000 Meters Junior4:10 PM
3,000 Meters Senior4:30 PM

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Westside Classic Info. - Nov. 1st, 2014

Here is the race schedule for the Westside Classic @ American Lake.  Names of athletes will be added as they qualify.  Good Luck Rams!!!!!!

Mens Races

American Lake Golf Course

5,000 Meters 2A Varsity11:40 AM
5,000 Meters 1A Varsity12:10 PM
5,000 Meters 4A Varsity1:50 PM
5,000 Meters 3A Varsity2:20 PM
Womens Races

American Lake Golf Course

5,000 Meters 2A Varsity10:30 AM
5,000 Meters 1A Varsity11:05 AM
5,000 Meters 4A Varsity12:40 PM
5,000 Meters 3A Varsity1:15 PM

Monday, October 20, 2014

SPSL League Meet- Oct. 25, 2014

The SPSL League Meet will be on Oct. 25, 2014 @ Ft. Steilacoom park.  The meet schedule is listed below.


12:30 pm Coaches Meeting
1:30 pm 4A Varsity Girls Race
2:10 pm 4A Varsity Boys Race
2:40 pm 4A JV Girls
3:20 pm 4A JV Boys

We realize that the meet is on the same day as the Homecoming Dance, but it is expected that all athletes will attend.


Ken Zentz

Thursday, October 16, 2014

28th Annual Terry Rice Frosh/Soph Classic Info- Friday Oct. 17, 2014

@Sehmel Homestead Park, Gig Harbor
Sponsored by Route 16 Running & Walking and PenMet Parks
Under auspices of Peninsula H.S. and South Sound Running Camp
Friday, October 17, 2014
4:00 pm
Race Schedule:
Boys Frosh/Soph 4:00 pm
Girls Frosh/Soph 4:30
This is a two mile race and times should be fast!!!!

Athletes will be released from their Jr. High Schools at the following times and should plan on riding the foreign language bus to RHS in order to make the 1:45 pm departure.

Stahl- Bus leaves at 12:55 pm released 1/2 way through 5th
Ballou- Bus leaves at 1:15 pm released at 1:05 pm

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Race Times for Rogers @ GK Meet

The race times have changed for the Rogers/GK meet.  Please see below.

JV Girls and Varsity Girls @ 4:00
JV Boys and Varsity Boys @ 4:30


Ken Zentz

Friday, October 3, 2014

Athlete and Race Times for Curtis Invite

Please find the race times for all athletes on the following website.  All athletes have a new schedule for October.  Please ask them for their race time and schedule.

After the meet the Captain's will be having a XC Movie Night.  Please check the Rogers XC Facebook page for details.  This is a captain sponsored event.


Ken Zentz

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Curtis Invitational- Saturday Oct. 4th

This Saturday the Rams will be racing at Chambers Bay Golf Coarse in University Place.  The race schedule and directions will be posted below.  Parking is always an issue so please arrive early if you want to watch your athlete race.  The bus will be leaving from RHS @ 7:00 am.  Please be on time.


8:45 am Coaches Meeting
9:15 Boys JV (Top 7)
9:45 Girls JV (all together)
10:30 Boys Varsity
11:00 Girls Varsity
11:30 Boys JV #2 (Open)
12:00 Community Open Race
12:30 Awards Ceremony
Parking at the meet is somewhat limited in the lower lot. Here are the options:

--Team buses are to drive down the hill and unload in the turn-around circle, and then, if room, may be able to park in the grassy area just south of the driving range. Entrance to the bus parking is right next to the turn-around circle, on the right through the gate. If bus parking is full, the bus will need to return up the hill and park off site. If so, we are recommending that they park at the Curtis High School Auxiliary Lot (directly east of the baseball fields off of 40th at Curtis).

--Team vans (driven by a coach) may park in the gravel caddy lot, which is just inside the aforementioned gate, so just let the parking attendants know you are transporting a team and they will let you in. If this lot fills up, you should park in the lower lot.

--Spectators may park in the lower lot, but when this fills up, they will be re-directed to park either along the street up on Grandview Dr, or at Chambers Primary School to catch a shuttle bus down to the course. Chambers Primary school is just 0.5 miles north of the entrance to the park off of Grandview Dr. Parking attendants will have maps to assist spectators with directions, and the turns will be marked with signs leading them to the school. There will be two buses that will run from 7:30am until after the awards ceremony, and will be going back and forth taking spectators to and from the Central Meadow, and will be leaving the shuttle bus stop every 5-10 minutes or so. The shuttles will also make a stop at the top of the hill for any spectators that have parked along Grandview. Any vehicles with a handicap permit will be allowed to proceed down to the lower parking lot. Please pass this information on to the parents of your athletes so that they understand the shuttle system.


Ken Zentz

All City Meet- ER/PHS/RHS

Please join us today for our annual all city meet.  The races this year will take place a Emerald Ridge High School.  Race times are posted below.  We will be providing transportation to the meet, but if you do decide to take your athlete after the meet, please checkout with a coach.

Boys JV 4:00
Girls V/JV 4:30
Boys V 5:00


Ken Zentz